Parents' frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to some of the most common questions we get asked.

The purpose of the Ofsted inspection is to identify strengths and weaknesses so that we, as providers, can improve the quality of educational provision and help children achieve the Early Learning Goals for children's learning on entering compulsory education. Seedling Nursery have the highest rating of Outstanding.

It is also to assure parents and the public that the nursery education funded by the Government is of an acceptable quality. 

Seedling Nursery is open from 8:00 to 18:00.

We do not offer half days. 

We are open 51 weeks of the year. We are closed for the week between Christmas and New Year, Public Holidays and weekends.

Yes, we will always do our best to provide extra sessions, subject to availability.

We follow Ofsted guidelines. The numbers of children are determined by the amount and age of children along with the available floor space.

Our minimum staff child ratios requirements are as follows:

  • 0-2 years 1:3
  • 2-3 years 1:4
  • 3-5 years 1:8

Where there are children with additional needs, staff to child ratios will be increased to appropriately meet the particular needs of these children. In calculating ratios of staff to children, students on placement will not be counted although they may be involved as occasional helpers within the group as part of their training.

Rigorous interviewing and robust safeguarding checks made through the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS) are carried out for each new member of staff. All staff are qualified or working towards a childcare qualification as well as on-going internal and external short courses.  All staff work under the guidelines of written policies and procedures to ensure consistency, high quality and safety standards. Policies and Procedure manuals are available for inspection at any time.

All staff are qualified, or working towards a qualification, in childcare. Staff are also trained in Child Protection, Paediatric First Aid and Basic Food Hygiene as a minimum. We strongly encourage and support all staff training and have staff trained from NVQ/Diploma level 2 in Early Years Childcare and Education, up to post graduate Early Years Professional status.

We believe strongly in a healthy lifestyle which includes fresh air and exercise, and that includes babies through to pre-schoolers. We ask you to bring wellies, warm waterproof coats, hats and scarves, although we also have a selection of waterproofs, wellies and sunhats available.

Curiosity is a key disposition for learning that we want to foster in young children. Within our outdoor sessions, curious children, from a very early age, explore the world around them through touching, smelling, listening and looking. Through asking questions and trying things out, children make sense of their world and develop their skills as independent learners. We aim to provide them with opportunities to find out about themselves, significant people in their lives, their immediate environment and the natural and man-made world.

We have sleeping arrangements and we follow a sleep routine. The babies and younger children have sleeping areas within the room, the older children join the toddlers in their quiet room for a chance to recharge their batteries.

The menus are carefully drawn up to ensure nutritious, well balanced meals which the children will enjoy. The menus are seasonal to ensure as much fresh produce as possible. Babies' meals are adapted from the main menu and special diets are catered for wherever possible. Read more about our highly commended menu here.

Observations and assessments are carried out on your child on a regular basis to ensure that they are working towards, meeting or exceeding the Early Learning Goals. These observations provide the next steps in our planning for your child's development. Each child has an individual Record of Achievement file which is completed by their Key Person and is yours to look at in nursery and to take home and keep as your child move into the next stage, when a new one will take over.

All children will be given a written daily report sheet detailing sleep, feed times and nappy changes. Staff will be available at the beginning and end of each session to tell you about your child's day. Record of Achievement files are compiled for each child and are available for parents to look at, at any time. Read more about our communication methods here. 

Monthly newsletters are sent out by email giving details of what's happening in nursery and what's coming up. Parents' Evening is held once or twice a year to enable you to discuss your child's progress with their Key Person. However, senior staff are available on a daily basis, or an appointment can be made for a more comprehensive discussion. 

We believe that an open access policy is the best way of encouraging participation with parents. Parents are welcome to view the policies and procedures file at any time. They are also welcome to see the records kept on their child, but as this would require withdrawing a member of staff from their usual duties, arrangements should be made in advance to ensure staff availability. We welcome the opportunity to share your child's learning with you.

Fees and help with the cost of childcare

As a parent starting Nursery, you may or may not be aware that you might be entitled to help with fees, dependent on your income. For more information, contact Working Families Tax Credit on

We are registered to take 3 and 4 year old funding, subject to eligibility. Please ask for more details. Also your employer may use a tax free voucher scheme which is deducted from your monthly salary. We would be pleased to register and accept any other voucher scheme in order to help you. We also offer families with more than one child a 5% discount and a 10% twin discount. Please contact us for more information. 

Working parents in England may be entitled to up to 30 hours of childcare, for 38 weeks of the year (or fewer hours over more weeks). This is an additional 15 hours of childcare on top of the 15 hours
universal entitlement for all 3 and 4 year olds in England.  

The number of hours of free childcare you can get depends on the age of your child. If your child is:

  • 9 months to 2 years old, you can get 15 hours per week of free childcare
  • 3 to 4 years old, you can get 30 hours per week of free childcare

Tax-Free Childcare is a government scheme to support working parents with childcare costs.
For every £8 you pay in, the government will pay in an extra £2. You can get up to £2,000 per child per year, or £4,000 for disabled children.

Read more here:

We require nursery fees for a minimum of 2 sessions childcare per week to maintain your child’s place.

We collect Nursery Fees monthly in advance. Click the link to open the Schedule of Fees.

Our fees include Nursery care, 2-course freshly prepared hot lunch and tea, plus snacks and drinks. All are classes are also included.